
Holistic Moms Network chapters are run by volunteers who devote their time and passion to helping provide an outstanding experience to holistic parents in their communities.

The NE Cincinnati Chapter is no exception!

If you're like us and are passionate and energetic about helping holistic parents, we'd love to have you join our Leadership Team!

Open positions:
- Education, Health and Green Business Ambassadors (3 separate positions) - to help us reach out to the Cincinnati holistic community. Ambassadors will email, call or write letters to local businesses that share our holistic ideals - to introduce our new chapter. These calls often lead to potential speakers, activities or donations for the chapter. Volunteers in this position will help represent our chapter to our community! Time commitment: approximately 2 hours a month (1/2 an hour each week to contact one or two businesses).
- Playgroup Coordinator - to coordinate a monthly playgroup for our members and their kids. The volunteer in this position will select locations for monthly playgroups for our members, develop a calendar of playgroups, communicate the dates to Co-Leaders and serve as "hostess" for the playgroups. Time commitment: approximately 2 hours a month.
- Book Club and Lending Library Coordinator - to coordinate quarterly Book Club selections for our members, select club meeting locations/dates and communicate details to Co-Leaders. Coordinator will also help develop and structure a Lending Library, of holistic titles that can be lent out to Chapter Members. Time commitment: approximately 1 hour a month.
- Snacks Coordinator - will coordinate healthy snacks for monthly chapter members, reaching out to local businesses for donations (when possible). Deliver and set up snacks prior to start of meeting (or arrange for another member to do this when needed). Time commitment: approximately 1 hour a month.

We also always welcome volunteers to help hang flyers prior to each meeting at local Starbucks, Panera and other "community board" locations.

For more information, or to sign up, contact us at hmn.necincy@gmail.com